Ransomes Sims & Jefferies

Engines Built by Ransomes Sims & Jefferies

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Num Type Name Reg Built Class NHP Cyl Status  
15609 General Purpose Engine Lady Diana CJ 4220 1904 6 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
15740 General Purpose Engine Dolly May J 14467 1904 7 NHP S Preserved
17273 Portable Engine 1905 8 NHP S Preserved
21785 Portable Engine 1909 Preserved
22720 Portable Engine 1909 Preserved
26653 Portable Engine 1915 S Preserved
26684 General Purpose Engine 1915 8 NHP S Preserved
26839 General Purpose Engine DCJ 15 1915 6 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
26871 Portable Engine 1915 6 NHP S Preserved
26952 General Purpose Engine AY 9704 1916 7 NHP S Preserved
26994 General Purpose Engine WT 1271 1916 6 NHP S Preserved
26995 General Purpose Engine Mendip Lady EW 2320 1916 7 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
27000 General Purpose Engine EW 2321 1916 7 NHP S Preserved
36020 General Purpose Engine BS 9010 1925 7 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
36030 Portable Engine 1925 8 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
38088 General Purpose Engine Enterprise DO 6883 1927 8 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
43033 General Purpose Engine MI 3719 1925 6 NHP C Preserved
43247 Portable Engine 1927 Preserved

Please Note: All UK preserved engines are listed. At present overseas engines and scrapped engines do not represent a complete listing. Engines are listed as their present type, not the form they were built. You can filter engines by the type in which they were built using the right hand menu.