
Engines Built by Marshall

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Num Type Name Reg Built Class NHP Cyl Status  
35978 Convertible General Purpose Engine The Hermit TA 2434 1901 5 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
56187 Convertible General Purpose Engine TA 2438 1911 5 NHP C Preserved
68955 Convertible General Purpose Engine General Owen TA 212 1916 5 NHP C Preserved
74871 Convertible General Purpose Engine Lion BE 9002 1921 5 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
77973 Convertible General Purpose Engine SP 9228 1924 S 5 NHP C Preserved
88360 Convertible General Purpose Engine Sam DRO 890 1938 S 5 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes

Please Note: All UK preserved engines are listed. At present overseas engines and scrapped engines do not represent a complete listing. Engines are listed as their present type, not the form they were built. You can filter engines by the type in which they were built using the right hand menu.